[NTLUG:Discuss] vim and matchit with html

Ed Leach ntlug at levelofdetail.com
Mon Mar 19 15:10:58 CDT 2007

I've installed matchit but cannot get it working.

When I do:

   vim -V myfile

I see that matchit.vim is being sourced.

I have

    :filetype on

in my .vimrc

I also have:

    :let b:match_words = '\<<table[^>]*>\>,\<</table>\>'

in my .vimrc

I've tried the table tag match string several different ways, but cannot 
get it right. When I hit "%" I get all kinds of errors, one of which is 
"invalid expression" on b:match_words.

How and where should these matches be defined? Is there a list of common 
"matchit" matches for HTML, PHP, and shell scripting that I can use?



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