[NTLUG:Discuss] OT: Connect desktop to wireless using a hub?

Ian tartled at gmail.com
Wed May 30 12:22:26 CDT 2007

The reason you can't do this, is that a wireless access point acts as
a server to the stations within it's range.

Stations can talk to each other if you configure them in ad hoc mode,
but typically stations and access points form a non symmetric
client-server type relationship.

Access points will not talk to each other, and that is by design, so
that multiple wireless access points (or hubs as you also call them)
using the same SSID and password in, say, a corporate LAN, will not
attempt to interconnect and form circular routing. You can also do
this at home, but make sure that you use different channels.

If your Hawking AP can be configured as a bridge (aka Station) then
you can connect to your router. Otherwise, its possible (but unlikely)
that you may be able to configure your router as a bridge/station/hub
and use the Hawking as the access point. Obviously you will need a
separate wired router behind the hawking in this case.


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