[NTLUG:Discuss] Saurday

Richard Geoffrion ntlug at rain4us.net
Thu Jun 14 11:29:11 CDT 2007

Jeff wrote:
> What's the program for the month this month?
Samba3 + LDAP  (Part 1 - LDAP fundamentals)

Goal: Introduce and Demystify LDAP so that you feel confident to begin 
integrating it into your network.

*Touch briefly on the history of LDAP (x.500)
*Explore why you need LDAP and the benefits that LDAP will provide you?
*Learn some naming conventions and translate some of the terms used 
while we..
*Understand the structure of an LDAP tree including how and when to  
split it into different sections.
*Identify the pieces needed to prepare and configure a system to be an 
LDAP server.
*Identify the pieces needed to prepare a client to rely upon an LDAP 
*Configure, populate, and use an LDAP database to provide authentication 
to clients

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