[NTLUG:Discuss] Linux + Wireless on the UTD campus.

Steve Baker steve at sjbaker.org
Sat Jun 14 21:07:37 CDT 2008

That's AMAZINGLY helpful!  The true joy of having a local Noth Texas 
Linux group (rather than generic Linux mailing lists) is that you get 
help as specific as the Wiki specific to that university - and the name 
of an actual person to talk to!

Outstanding!  Many thanks!   I'm sure we can get it going from here.

Russell Lemburg wrote:
> Wow that's helpful.  Knew it had to do with the EAP stuff and 802.1x.  That
> was head bumping day.
> On Sat, Jun 14, 2008 at 1:48 PM, Stuart Johnston <saj at thecommune.net> wrote:
>> I don't know if it is current but perhaps this will help:
>> http://fslutd.org/w/Campus_wireless
>> Steve Baker wrote:
>>> My son is off to college (doing the summer bridge program at UT Dallas).
>>> The residences there only have WiFi - no cabled Internet at all.
>>> We have his SONY VAIO (SuSE 10.3) working with our WiFi network here at
>>> home using YAST2 to set everything up and KInternet to set it up and
>>> pass WEP keys and such.
>>> But UTD's wireless setup is different - and I can't figure out how.  He
>>> can boot the laptop into Windows, connect up and surf the web just
>>> fine.  He's been given three pieces of information: A "NetID" which
>>> contains his initials and some numbers, so it must be unique to him, a
>>> "Password" and a "Logon Domain" that is the same for everyone.
>>> The trouble is that the Linux tools only seem to be talking about a
>>> single "encryption key" and none of those three strings seems to fit the
>>> bill.  KInternet shows the network on a WiFi scan - and when I click on
>>> it, it says "CONNECTED" - but it clearly isn't because I haven't entered
>>> any passwords or anything yet - and of course, the connection doesn't
>>> actually work.
>>> When I dig around in his Windows setup, I think it's saying that the
>>> connection is "WEP, Open, autokey" with "Protected EAP" and "Password
>>> EAP-MSCHAP v2"...all of which is complete gobbledygook to me!
>>> Any ideas what I should be setting on the Linux side to get it to talk?
>>> (Remember that I already got WEP working here on our home WiFi network
>>> so the drivers are all working and DHCP and all of that stuff is OK).
>>> TIA - Steve.
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