[NTLUG:Discuss] A quick script anyone?

Scott Blaydes sblaydes at netteksolutions.com
Thu Jul 31 11:06:05 CDT 2008

I would use cut to get the parts you need.

This would use the comma as the delimiter and get your the 10.
cut -f1 -d","  filename

This would use the double-quote as the delimiter and get you the US.
cut -f2 -d \" filename

This would use the double-quote as the delimiter and get you the United 
States of America.
cut -f4 -d \" filename

You can then assign the returned values to your variables such as
ROW1=`cut -f2 -d \" filename`

IF I am wrong on any of this feel free to correct me.

Thank you,
Scott Blaydes

Daniel Hauck wrote:
> I know there are several very clever script writers here.  You guys even
> seem to "think" in terms of scripting.  I'm learning little by little
> all the great techniques you guys have shared in the past, but here's
> the present challenge:
> Parsing a CSV file and generating some output.
> I have a list where the first field is a number and the next two are
> text fields.  A line would look like this:
> 10, "US", "United States of America"
> I just need to be able to parse this line to fill some variables.  The
> output part I have down pretty well and will be able to transform this
> file (once I get the line parsing part down) into the output desired.
> It might be helpful to know that I will need to discard the quote
> characters and just need the text within.
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