[NTLUG:Discuss] Backing up an FC6 desktop?

terry trryhend at gmail.com
Mon Sep 8 15:38:28 CDT 2008

On Sun, Sep 7, 2008 at 8:34 AM, John K. Taber <jktaber at charter.net> wrote:
> Mondo at first looked attractive for backing up my FC6 desktop. But
> Googling the forums
> reveals that Mondo has a problem with LVM, which I have.
> I like the idea of a bootable backup media (I'm thinking CDs), and
> complete restore.
> Any ideas?
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Doing it to CD's if you need to use multiple CDs, it's complicated and
I've not done that. If you can fit it onto a single CD or DVD, that's
pretty easy, just create an iso image of the files and burn to CD.
Most of the CD burner software packages will do that for you. Or you
can do it manually.
  man mkisiofs

I have had good luck doing it across networks and it's a little easier.

If you have another PC on  your network with plenty of HD space, you
could back up across the network.
The whole drive:
dd if=/dev/hda1 | ssh user at host 'gzip - > /home/user/image.gz'
    (where user is valid username of other system)
     (where host is hostname or IP of other system)

Just the /home dir

rsync -Cavz  /home  -Cavz user at host:/home/user/backup
      (where user is valid username of other system)
      (where host is hostname or IP address of other system)
     (this places all your user directories and accompanying files in
a directory called "backup")

rsync -Cavz  /home/user  -Cavz user at host:/home/user/backup
       (where /home/user is the username of only the user that needs backing up)
      (where user is valid username of other system)
      (where host is hostname or IP address of other system)
     (this places only your one user's files in a directory called "backup")

Large enough USB drive:
  tar -cvzf /media/disk/home.tgz /home
         (after plugging in the device and mounting it under /media/disk )
         (this gives you a tar'd and  compressed file containing all
user directories and accompaning files)

Large enough USB drive:
  tar -cvzf /media/disk/home.tgz /home/user
          (after plugging in the device and mounting it under /media/disk )
         (where user is username that needs to be backed up)
         (this gives you a tar'd and  compressed file containing only
one user and accompaning files)

There are some auto-backup tools you can use, you might look at
freshmeat.net or just do a google search

You could sift through
for relevant packages. Or:


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