[NTLUG:Discuss] Burning a Live CD

Preston Hagar prestonh at gmail.com
Thu Oct 30 13:26:45 CDT 2008

On Thu, Oct 30, 2008 at 11:52 AM, Allen Meyers <chef11994 at sbcglobal.net> wrote:
> For whatever reason burning a live CD continues to plague me. Happened on a tutorial that goes in some depth for installation and usage of  Furius ISO Mount.
> Installed and opened and have a general question that probably was what was wrong all along. Select Image and browse. Which indicates that in the process the image is downloaded first then burned. Is that correct. Additionally can I use the DVDRW'S that I have and is speed a factor.

You will need to download the ISO image before you can burn it.  Once
it is downloaded, most burning programs are capable of burning ISOs.
In Linux, I typically use K3B.  I haven't heard of Furius, but from a
little Googling it sounds like it should work.  It sounds like you are
on the right track, you just need to down the image before you try to
burn it so you can locate it and select it when you "Select Image and

As far as what type of media to use, it depends somewhat on what type
of ISO image you download.  You can download CD or DVD images,
depending on what you are downloading and where from.  Typically, if
the image file is less than 700 MB, you would burn it on a CD, if it
is more than 700 MB, you would burn it on a DVD.  You can probably use
DVDRW's, but it has typically been my experience that using write-once
media seems to be the most successful for creating bootable CD/DVDs.
If the image file is less than 700 MB, I would recommend using a
standard CDR, if it is larger than 700 MB, I would use a DVD+R or
DVD-R to burn it to.

Hope this helps,


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