[NTLUG:Discuss] Sort of OT: Server install of DOS/Windows programs...

agoats at compuserve.com agoats at compuserve.com
Sun Jun 13 22:13:00 CDT 2010

First, I use Linux about 99% of the time, dropping to Windows for TaxCut 
and SolidEdge Origin CAD and DOS for OEM low level disk drive maintenance. 

I have some software that I want to have on my Linux box that I can get 
to with Samba and install the DOS or Windows programs from. The ISSUE I 
have is that the floppy disk based software is chained somehow so that 
the install program knows which floppy disk is in the drive to install. 
Most of my Borland software simply uses a "disk-X" text file which works 
fine if i copy all of the software to the same directory. Install finds 
each text file and installs each disk set in succession.

It's the OTHER disks that's driving me nuts, the ones that have no 
visible method for identifying each disk and give me the errors about 
not finding the next disk.

Let's keep in mind that most business office software is M$ and Linux is 
a favorite file server. This is something anyone who wants to be a 
sysadmin should keep in mind as they may have to do what I'm trying to 
do at home: remote installation from a server.

As for the software, picture using dosbox, dosemu or wine to run this 
software and installing the software through a Linux server.

Last choice is to be able to create an installable CDROM that bypasses 
the above mentioned issues using Linux.


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