[NTLUG:Discuss] Script help

Eric Schnoebelen eric at cirr.com
Tue Sep 14 23:03:28 CDT 2010

Fred writes:
- I am somewhat embarassed because I can't remember how to do this:
- I wrote a little script that works just fine when I invoke it manually
- but when I put it into the /etc/init.d startup scrip "local" (where I have
- other misc scripts) it refuses to start... or continue to run after the
- rc5.d quits, or whatever. Bottom line is that when I do a ps -ef |grep 
- <scriptname>
- it is not running.
- The script:
#!/bin/sh # always specify the interpreter to be used.
- #########################################
- #
- # pingtest
- #
- # A network test tool
- #

Need to explicitly set PATH!

# maybe /usr/local/{s,}bin as well?
# /etc probably isn't needed, but on older systems, ping was in /etc

Probably need to set a trap, since some inits will try to kill
everything that is directly a child when the script exits.


- LOG=/etc/netup.log
- while true
- do
-       date >> $LOG
- #      ping -c1 >> $LOG
-       count=$(ping -c1 | grep 'received' | awk -F',' '{ prin
- t $2 
- }' | awk '{ print $1 }')

Ugh, two awk invocations and one grep, where a single awk will

	count=$(ping -c1 | awk -F',' '/received/ { split($2, a, / /); print a[2]}')

-       if [ $count -eq 0 ]; then
-            # 100% failed
-            echo "Net down" >> $LOG
-       fi
- 	sleep 60
- done
- -------------------
- Entry in my /etc/init.d/local:
- /etc/pingtest &
- (I have tried several different invocations, all with the same result)

Try "nohup /etc/pingtest"

That will do some signal catching, perhaps keeping init from
killing the "rogue" start up script..

Eric Schnoebelen		eric at cirr.com		http://www.cirr.com
    "The universe is not only stranger than we imagine, it is stranger
		 than we can imagine."  -J. B. S. Haldane

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