[NTLUG:Discuss] [NTLUG:Announce] September 17, 2011, Meeting

Ralph Green sfreader at sbcglobal.net
Sat Sep 17 00:50:16 CDT 2011

On Fri, 2011-09-16 at 09:17 -0500, Low-traffic NTLUG announcement list
> Ok folks... I know that perhaps this hasn't been the greatest year, but we need 
> NTLUGgers to really step forward and commit.  I think the group is really good 
> at making suggestions... yea... even mandates... but we're simply not following 
> through.
> So... what this means is that I have no idea what will happen at the September 
> 17th meeting.  I'm going to guess that this will be a "general" Q&A session (again).
> So... how can we make thing better?  Well... several things.
> 1. We need to get the word out as much as possible about NTLUG.
> 2. We need MORE volunteer support that is willing to do more than "suggest" 
> and/or "mandate".
  Apologies if this is a duplicate.  I sent it to announce, but it does not seem to have gone out.

At the meeting on the 17th, maybe we can help people flesh out ideas on
talks they can present and show at the Software Fair and future
meetings.  We do need volunteers.  If Cory is ready to do his workshop,
we should schedule that.  I have an idea for a workshop or two, but I
was waiting to let Cory go first.  These workshops would involve people
bringing PCs and the group going through some process to learn how it is
done.  I am thinking of one to setup an Asterisk system with Google
Voice or how to setup a build environment for a Linux system.  If either
sounds interesting, let me know.  If you would like to do something
else, let us know how you want to run it.  An idea that X would be nice
without a person to do X in not usually that helpful.  Finding the
volunteers is the tough part and the volunteers usually have an idea in
mind.  If you have an idea, but don't feel ready to talk about it, we
can probably help you.
  I still remember when Dave Simmons asked me to help him give the first
talk I ever did in front of the group.  I was a little scared, but it
was one of the best things I have ever done.
See you Saturday,

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