[NTLUG:Discuss] My quickie csvtohtml (html tables) and finder scripts

Christopher Cox cjcox at acm.org
Sun Jul 22 13:06:26 CDT 2012

At the last meeting, Dennis presented some information about how flexible and 
powerful Linux is... and one of the tools he mentioned was 'sed'.

Here's a quick and dirty (it's not perfect) script that translates a simple csv 
file to an html table output... filter style (that is, it reads from stdin and 
outputs to stdout)

Download it.. rename it to csvtohtml.sh and make it executable (if you like) and 
give it a try.


Also, Dennis mentioned how using a filter style allowed you to take simple 
elements and combine them into bigger ones... so I introduced one of my favorite 
one liners that makes it easy to find strings inside of an entire tree... but 
just looking for text files.


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