[NTLUG:Discuss] Epoch Init System Howto

Steve Litt slitt at troubleshooters.com
Thu Jan 1 16:48:58 CST 2015

On Thu, 1 Jan 2015 15:06:24 -0700
Stephen M <smelheim85 at gmail.com> wrote:

> Steve,
> This is an interesting document but I'm still a little confused.
> I've been using Linux for about 4 years now and have kinda gotta into
> the under workings of the system.  From this document, I don't
> understand the use of the old init system.  

Hi Stephen,

You could be an exception, but my finding is that most people
understand little of their current init system except maybe how to
fashion their own init script or unit file. This level of understanding
is great for day to day usage but falls far short of the understanding
necessary to choose between Epoch, runit, nosh, s6, uselessd, sysvinit,
sysvinit+OpenRC, Upstart, or systemd.

> Plus the other question
> is most everyone is going to systemd

Let's put that prediction on hold for a little while longer. What I
mean is yeah, on 1/1/2015 the vast majority has already gone to
systemd, but I think that might just be a waystation for a lot of them,
before they go to a more suitable init system.

>  so init will go away someday.

I'm not sure what you mean by "init will go away". If you mean
"sysvinit will go away", yes indeed, and good riddance to bad rubbish.
sysvinit sucks. But the concept of "init system" will stay with us.

> Maybe not today but whats the use of using an older system?

If you're referring to sysvinit as the older system, there's only one
use for it: As a place to wait until we get a good init system. Many
believe that systemd doesn't qualify as "a good init system", and would
be willing to put up with the opaque and dysfunctional sysvinit a
little longer until their ducks are in line to install and use an init
system well suited to their needs. My research tells me the easy
availability of excellent init systems is right around the corner.


Steve Litt                *  http://www.troubleshooters.com/
Troubleshooting Training  *  Human Performance

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