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Window Managers

Linux users have a curiously large number of window managers to choose from, many of which are highly graphical and almost endlessly configurable, as anyone who has spent sleepless nights getting his or her desktop ``just so'' can tell you. With the development of Xaw-Xpmgif, a hacked Athena widget set that allows you to use any pixmap as a background for nearly any available widget, as well as the ENLIGHTENMENTgif window manager that allows you to customize some of the most fundamental elements of a GUI almost beyond recognition. This window manager and widget set together provide a graphical environment that is by default much richer than Windows '95, any Macintosh OS--or any other Linux window manager available.

With the ability to customize default backgrounds, textures and border shapes through the use of pixmaps, it only stands to reason that users will want to be able to create their own widget textures and border shapes. I believe that in time this will become a larger issue in the Linux community than it is currently, and the GIMP will be well situated to help users unleash this potential.