[NTLUG:Discuss] RH 7 & Gnome Desktop

George E. Lass George.Lass at osc.com
Thu Apr 12 14:50:12 CDT 2001

I need some help trying to configure my
gnome desktop at startup.  What I am trying
to do is to automagically populate my 
desktop(s) with a few open xterm's when gnome
first comes up.  I have added the xterm commands
to the configuration tool / startup programs,
but it appears that xterm or maybe gnome itself
is ignoring the supplied geometry.  All of the
xterm's appear in the center of the first desktop, 
and are of the default xterm size (80x24).
I suspect that the xterm is being started prior
to there really being anything other than an
80x24 display.  Is there some other place that
I can put the startup for these programs?



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