[NTLUG:Discuss] Re: Strange Request, Maybe?

Bobby Sanders ssanders at vzinet.com
Fri May 11 07:02:37 CDT 2001

--On Wed, 9 May 2001 14:09:38 -0500, "WILLIAM PEARSON" <WPEARSON at cyclix.com> said:

  WP> Hello,

  WP> You see though, since Microsoft has had a tight grip on the PC
  WP> market for so many years, well into the MS-DOS days...

Good point.  I hadn't thought of that.  I started in the DOS days and
when I compared DOS and DOS networking with the PC multi-user OSs and
terminals hanged off of them, there was no contest so I never really
got to believing that MS was the end all be all.  Ahhhh... for the good
old days when that weren't any "cutsie" pictures to distract you from
getting your work done!  :) I still believe that a large operation run
only with character based devices would save companies gobs of time in
terms of productivity of employees using the system.  We'll never go
back there, but I often wonder if, in the overall picture, it was a
mistake to bring graphics to the accounting and word processing

Bobby Sanders

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