[NTLUG:Discuss] Re: Micro$oft is killing small town budgets-

Pat Blackard blackard at airmail.net
Mon Oct 8 18:15:20 CDT 2001

I know there are endless problems promoting Open Source:  clueless
officials, entrenched IT folks, etc.  I just enjoy using "targets of
opportunity" to remind people that there are alternatives.  

I would like to find the name of the author of the AP piece that
appeared on the Fox website.  These are the ones who should be politely
reminded.  If they hear from lots of folks, they will believe there is a
market for Open Source news.

I know that Largo had lots of previous experience with Unix, but an
article contrasting them with Stillwater, especially showing TCO
diferences, would still be interesting to a lot of people.

Microsoft was smart to set up MCSE and other certs.  They give employers
and clients a sense of security.  Is there an Open Source cert?

Pat Blackard

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