[NTLUG:Discuss] Question...

Steve steve at cyberianhamster.com
Tue Nov 13 19:50:59 CST 2001

Steve Baker wrote:

> D wrote:

>>I have a very poor hardware sitting at my place.  P-I 133MHz -
>>32 Kb RAM 2GB HD and a 32X CDROM.  I have tried installing
>>Redhat 6.0 but I couldnt get X to run on it.  So now I am
>>planning on going with either of the following:
>>1) Redhat 7.1/7.2 ???
>>2) Suse
>>3) Mandrake

You can go to CheapBytes.com and buy the RedHat and Mandrake basic installs 
(among many others) for something like $6 / set (can't do this with Suse though 
although they did have a demonstration CD you could buy for around $7). This way 
you can see which works better for you.

Presumably, you understand that there will be a trade-off with your system and 
various X goodies or applications. You can definitely get a decent X environment 
up and running with a decent Window Manager with your setup though. My first 
Linux setup was just like yours. But, I'm not sure if today's GNOME or KDE will 
choke on your system specs or not.

> But I doubt that any of the latest versions of these are gonna work
> well in 32Mb RAM (or even install with only 2Gb of disk).  

I think 2 GB disk is more than enough, but he just has to be a bit more 
selective instead of just installing everything (which is a bad idea anyway). 
One thing he'll definitely have to do is go for the low-tech text-based install 
rather than the pretty graphical ones which may choke on his hardware.


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