[NTLUG:Discuss] Why does nfs wreck shell scripts?

Lance Simmons lance at lsimmons.net
Wed Aug 21 22:26:40 CDT 2002

I'm playing around with nfs at home. When I've got a bash script on an
nfs-mounted filesystem, I can't execute it directly. Consider this
script, named "test":

 echo "test"
 exit 0

When I try to execute test directly (./test), I get this error:

 bash: ./test: /bin/sh: bad interpreter: Permission denied

When I try to execute test with the command "sh ./test", it works.

Can someone knowledgeable about nfs explain what this is about? I
imagine it's something pretty simple. I'm probably misunderstanding the
metaphysics of nfs, but I'm not sure where to look.

 /V\   Lance Simmons
/( )\  lance at lsimmons.net

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