[NTLUG:Discuss] RE: CD-Rom bootable Firewall w/ Services

Minh Duong minh_duong at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 19 07:37:33 CST 2003

I don't know of any packaged CD firewall solution
because the problem is that you have to customize it
for your own network (i.e. ppoE?, modem, custom
firewall rules, etc).   A custom CD-bootable firewall
with SSH solution is described from
http://www.leaf.sourceforge.net but it didn't come in
a ready-made package.  I created a bootable CD and I
will tell you the steps I used to create it.

I downloaded  Bering from sourceforge.net.  It comes 
as a single floppy install.  I then customized it to
my own network parameters.
Additional services require a second floppy as the
first disk is full.  I downloaded ssh and some dns
utilities to this second floppy.  I customized the
second floppy.  Once I was satisfied with the
configuration, I followed their instructions on how to
build a bootable CD from my configuration

I'm not a computer genius but I was able to do it with
their instructions.

Something to consider:  LEAF lists alternatives to the
floppy like CD-ROM, Disk-on-a-Chip, hard drive.  I
would check them out.  If you have any questions, they
have a mailing list:  leaf-user-request@


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