[NTLUG:Discuss] SSL and Patents

Greg Edwards greg at nas-inet.com
Thu Apr 3 11:19:57 CST 2003

Neil Aggarwal wrote:
> Greg:
> SSL certs are not that expensive anymore.
> We sell them for $139.00 per year.
> Thanks,
> 	Neil.
> --
> Neil Aggarwal
> JAMM Consulting, Inc.    (972) 612-6056, http://www.JAMMConsulting.com
> Custom Internet Development    Websites, Ecommerce, Java, databases

So I have discovered in the last 24 hours.  I've been doing more 
research and < $200 certs are common now.  At that price my meagre 
budget can manage it.

I know this is off topic but I thought others in the group may be 
interested in some of this.  If I'm pushing this discussion beyond the 
list's interest just say so and I'll take it off list.


1. A cert, for say www.nas-inet.com, is valid for all URLs that extend 
to paths off that FQDN?

For example:


2. As I understand it you cannot certify a domain i.e. nas-inet.com, 
instead you have to certify a site i.e. www.nas-inet.com?

3. Is the URL of primary use in validation or the reverse from the IP? 
If you have several URLs based on the same IP (virtual hosting) what is 
used as the common name in the cert?

4. Is it of value to have a logo from a certification authority appear 
on a secure web page?  Does this really help consumer confidence?  My 
own opinion, when I'm on a site is that it doesn't alter my decision 
either way.  As long as my browser is happy with the cert I don't think 
about the security any further.

Greg Edwards
New Age Software, Inc. - http://www.nas-inet.com
Galactic Outlaw        - http://goutlaw.nas-inet.com
   The ultimate cyberspace adventure!

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