[NTLUG:Discuss] / filling up...

Wayne Dahl w.dahl4 at verizon.net
Thu Apr 24 17:01:50 CDT 2003

Hi guys,

It's been a while since I've asked anything, but I just saw something on
my RH 8.0 box that has me a little concerned.

I just checked disk space after having up2date update my packages and
checked the /var/spool/up2date directory to see if up2date deletes the
old packages or just adds the new ones and it seems to just add the new
ones.  Correct?  So, if it just adds them and the new packages run with
no problems, I can just remove the old packages and clear that disk
space, right?

Here's what has me concerned.  When checking disk space, / shows to be
92.6% full, 25.3 MB left out of 341.8 Megs.  Now, / is on its own
partition, as are the rest of my major directories, ie. /boot, /swap,
/var, /home, etc.  What I read when setting this box up was that /
really didn't need a very big partition and 250 Megs would be fine.  I
had a 40 Gig drive to split up, so I gave it more than was recommended. 
Already, I would be in trouble if I had only given it 250 Megs of
space.  So, what can I do about it?  What are your recommendations? 
What happens if it fills up the partition?

Thanks again,


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