[NTLUG:Discuss] Slow to access local named virtual host URLs

Neil Aggarwal neil at JAMMConsulting.com
Sun Apr 4 20:00:59 CDT 2004


This is strange.

On RedHat 9, this did not seem to be a problem but 
it seems to be a problem on Fedora Core 1.

I am finding that when I try to load a URL that 
goes to a virtual host on the same server it takes a
LONG time (about 10 secs) to load.   If I use a URL
that does not require resolving the named virtual host,
the URL loads very fast (milliseconds).  

This only happens when I try to load the url from the machine 
itself.  If I try to load the URL remotely, the URLs load

For example, on my server that hosts www.JAMMConsulting.com
also hosts www.futurescope.com which uses name based virtual

When I execute this command on the command line of the
lynx http://www.JAMMConsulting.com
it loads fast.

When I execute this command:
lynx http://www.futurescope.com
it loads very slowly.

But, if I load this url:
it loads fast.

Any ideas what is going on?


Neil Aggarwal, JAMM Consulting, (972)612-6056, www.JAMMConsulting.com
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