[NTLUG:Discuss] New Laptop with Linux pre-installed

Chris Cox cjcox at acm.org
Wed Sep 20 17:23:44 CDT 2006

Stan Gatchel wrote:
> Ok, I am thinking of taking the plunge. I have tried to avoid getting a
> laptop for many years but it looks like I will now be sucked into a giant clam shell for the rest of my life thus avoiding all human contact!  8-]  Wasn't there a StarTek episode something like this? 
> I recently attended a class where I was the only one without a laptop. Oddly enough, no one seemed to notice. They even viewed the presentation slides on their laptops while the speaker was talking. The good news is... the overhead projector is now useless! :-)
> Just wondered if anyone can suggest a good place to get one and which
> brand/model is a good choice?

You can try http://www.emperorlinux.com/systemmatrix/

Also you may want to look at:

> Here are my general requirement
> 1. Light weight (3 - 5.5 lbs) and thin (1-1.5 inches) if possible
> 2. Screen size 12-15+ inches, bright screen
> 3. Core duo processor?
> 4. Nvidia or ATI graphics
> 5. Modem (no broadband here...low elevation, rural location.)

:)  This one will cause some pain.

> 6. The usual other stuff. 60GB+ HD, 1GB, usual ports, etc.
> 7. Oh yeah, no M$ tax if that is possible

$5 savings?  Your laptop will have greater resale value with a stupid
M$ COA on the bottom.  Not having the COA doesn't make a huge
price difference.

> Now for the difficult part: which distro to install. Most seem to
> install Fedora but I'm more of a KDE guy. I'm thinking SuSE 10.1 or Kubuntu.
> Here are the suppliers I've found so far:
> http://www.linuxcertified.com/linux_laptops.html
> http://www.shoprcubed.com/products.asp?cat=27&gclid=CJKFvuf5uIcCFQE7GAod2hxSIA
> http://www.emperorlinux.com/

I have talked with the Emperor Linux folks in the past.  Seem to
be ok... but I've never ordered anything from them.  Laptops are
VERY difficult to ... not sure of the right word... it's just
not as easy to select a Linux friendly laptop as a desktop
(it's at least 2-3x as hard).

Btw.. lightweight and powerful (which is what you spec'd) also
means HOT.  You've been warned (of course, they all run hot
nowadays... but my Dell M70 at least is merely hot on the bottom
and not on the top where my hands are).

My wife's Dell D600...gets a bit warm on top.

> Any help would be appreciated,   
> Thanks,
> Stan
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