[NTLUG:Discuss] OT: Introduction and Recommendations

Ted Gould ted at gould.cx
Wed Jan 9 18:16:44 CST 2008

Hello everyone,

My wife has accepted a job in Northern Texas so we'll be moving there
this summer.  We'll probably be living slightly north of the metroplex.
I've been using Linux for over 10 years, and enjoyed the local LUGs
where I've lived.  I'm excited about getting involved in the North Texas
Linux community.  So I've joined the mailing list, and I'll probably be
at a meeting in July or August.

I was wondering if there were any general recommendations on technology
issues when moving.  I consider hi-speed Internet a vital utility, but
are there some providers who are more Linux friendly than others?  I
don't need to know how to configure the computer, but I'd like it if
they didn't hang up when I told them I'm running Linux. (and really
prefer someone who doesn't block port 22)


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