[NTLUG:Discuss] Board Elections new meeting location for March and April IMPORTANT

Stuart Johnston saj at thecommune.net
Mon Feb 25 15:12:02 CST 2008

Stuart Johnston wrote:
> Chris Cox wrote:
>> Stuart Johnston wrote:
>>> I remember that too.  It was pretty great and I'd love to see it happen 
>>> again.
>>> I currently work in an office at the Infomart.  The building changed 
>>> management a few years ago and is undergoing a bit of a renewal. 
>>> Companies expanding and others moving in to fill all the empty space. 
>>> Perhaps someone for the group would like to contact them to see if it is 
>>> a possibility?  The website seems to have gone missing but here's the 
>>> archive:
>>> http://web.archive.org/web/20070209052903/www.infomartusa.com/contact.html
>> Aren't you part of the group?  If you're already there, it would be
>> helpful if you could check into the possibility for us... yes?
> My physical location doesn't affect my ability to pick up a phone or 
> send an email.  ;)
> Mostly I was thinking that the inquiry would be better coming from 
> someone on the board, or at least someone who actually goes to meetings. 
>   I guess I could check and see if there is someone I could talk to this 
> afternoon.

Meeting space at the Infomart is now handled by Aramark.  My assumption 
is that they are going to be profit focused and more interested in 
hosting wedding receptions than a bunch of geeks.  Probably not what we 
are looking for but I have a name and phone number if you are interested 
in pursuing further.

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