[NTLUG:Discuss] FUSESMB and mounting Shares

David Simmons dave at dgnal.net
Sun Jan 4 16:56:27 CST 2009


the docs on fusesmb are a bit scarce...was wondering if
anyone else has this setup figured out yet:

have a share that's
accessible by IP address....so if I do something like
smb://user@ that works (although it's not 'really' mounted,
as it's tricky to play media files from this server other than one at a

I'm trying to setup fusesmb and fusesmb.conf.... my
fusesmb.conf file looks like:

#interval = 0


and when I issue the command 'fusesmb /home/user/mount'...the
mount appears successful - but the folder is empty? (but I know stuff is
there and is accessible if by use the
smb://user@    method

thoughts?  Is it a permissions issue?

Thanks  - dave

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