[NTLUG:Discuss] An NTLUG Distro

Daniel Hauck daniel at yacg.com
Thu Apr 2 10:17:56 CDT 2009

I just read some commentary regarding criticism and Linux.  The original
notion was that Linux needs more critics to keep it moving.  Another
person pointed out that the reason there are so many very different
Linux distros out there is because it is essentially "criticism applied."

This got me to thinking.  Chris Cox is unquestionably a really smart
fellow with strong views on various things.  I wouldn't think to suggest
this if I didn't think he was smart enough to pull it off.

What about an NTLUG Distro project?  It would naturally be more of an
exercise than something we could expect to actually catch on in the
wild.  But not only could it be used as a vehicle to express critical
views of other distros by addressing them, but could also serve as an
educational experience in rolling one's own distro.

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