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Created by Ed Leach? on May 01, 2010, at 02:00 PM

Here is a perl script that lists the largest files in a directory. I don't remember where I got this. Give it the directory you are interested in as an argument.
use File::Find;
@ARGV = $ENV{ PWD } unless @ARGV;
find ( sub { $size{ $File::Find::name } = -s if -f; }, @ARGV );
@sorted = sort { $size{ $b } <=> $size{ $a } } keys %size;
splice @sorted, 20 if @sorted > 20;

print "\n";
printf " %5dM %s\n", $size / 1024000, $_ for @sorted;
print "\n";

I use Thunderbird for email and was very surprised at how much space my mailboxes take.

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Page last modified on May 01, 2010, at 02:00 PM