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Created by Terry Henderson on January 26, 2010, at 12:51 AM

The computer situation at my sister and her husband's place has evolved to the point that they both have their own PCs now and are connected to the internet via wireless router. (User names on these two computers are NOT same.) The way I have it set up [after the second visit] is pretty good and fairly simple too. The situation is this;
Candi's PC is in the living room and Tod's is in the office. The dhcp range is from - and so I set Tod's PC to and Candi's to I have /etc/exports entry in one
and exports entry in the other
Now... they both have pictures/ and Pictures/ in their respective home directories. Tod's pictures are mostly his side of the family, (lots of old photos that he and his family have scanned and saved over time) and they can be found in Pictures/
Candi's pictures are more current ones, some from her side of the family but mostly vacation and holiday pictures taken with the digital camera which they've had for only a little over a year now and her pictures can be found in the pictures/ directory on her PC. The fstab entries are as follows /home/cmt/pictures nfs rw,nolock,nocto,actimeo=3600 0 0 /home/tcm/Pictures nfs rw,nolock,nocto,actimeo=3600 0 0
So on Tod's PC we see /home/tcm/pictures & /home/tcm/Pictures
On Candi's PC we see /home/cmt/pictures & /home/cmt/Pictures
So now they can read and write to each other's set of pictures as well as anyone that enters their LAN, (as long as they know where / how to mount each nfs). So it's a pretty good arrangement.
I suppose the next call I get will be for them to share Documents/ which time, I'll simply rename one to documents/ and create additional exports and fastab entries to match.
(It'll be quicker / easier next time - I have a pattern to go by.)
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Page last modified on January 26, 2010, at 01:08 AM